On Saturday, free of tuition, replacement classes and dentail appointments and other even lesser chores we packed up the two bikes and drove off. Destination : Bulatan Park. This was the first time ever the kids got to road test their bikes outside the confines of our home since we bought the bikes in June. All this while all they had been doing was to practice their bike maneuvers around the house. They went about the Shell Traffic Games lanes over and over and over again as if to finally release all the cycling angst they've held within all this months.
On Sunday, we decided it's time for more open road cycling. With the two bikes packed up, we headed to the old Kuala Baran Ferry road, on the other side of Batang Baram. Both Ali and Aisya had a field day cycling on the open road, almost traffic free. The overcast skies helped shield them from the sun ... the breeze from the coast and open areas add a tad of a challenge. With an hour break at the old jetty, they both cycled a total of 8kms roundtrip. Aisya wanted more but reluctantly gave in when Ali decided that he'd had enough paddling for the week.
To top off an already perfect weekend, at least from the kids' point of view, we lunched at Mac D in PermyJaya ... between the two of them they gobbled 5xDouble-cheeseburgers!!! Rather unsure whether that's something I should be proud of.

Aisya braked too hard on the way back and tipped over.
Ali meanwhile with less practice was still nervous and trying his best to cycle a straight line.
Both the kids finally getting the hang of their wheels and actually relaxing and putting out a smile.
Growing up in a kampung setting, I counted myself lucky when Mom finally relented to my requests for a bike when I was 12 ... after I delivered the grades. With a bunch of friends our days were more free then, we cycled all over roaming the countryside leaving the house as early as 5am and returning as late as dinnertime. Sometimes just roaming around, sometimes trying out far-away fishing holes. Those were exciting and more innocent times : we didn't have parents chauffering us around then watching our backs 24/7.